Why are we not sure if DF is the right next step?
Because the effect of no barriers could be unrealistic beauty standards. Do you often think about the future? If you do, what do you see? Eleanor Roosevelt said that the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. There are those who have not only often thought about the future and believed in their dreams, but have also made them come true. Who are we talking about? We’re referring to those whose imagination goes wild and so to those who create digital fashion. However, every thing, just like a coin, has two sides. And, according to Sunday Adelaja, we always need to do research, to approach…
Why is our creativity boosted by new technology?
Because new technology has become a new lens through which we can see the world differently. And where play has become a work? In Digital Fashion! Alexander Rauser, CEO of Prototype, a digital strategy agency, defined that creativity “come[s] from observing the world, interpreting it and bringing us new concepts and ideas,” while technology has become a new lens through which “to see the world differently [and] access information…”. What exactly does that mean in today’s changing world? What kind of “lens” are we referring to? It is important to highlight the different tools that have emerged through technology, such as 3D printing, digital content creation and other forms of…
Proč strávit 4 dny v Bratislavě, přestože vám spousta lidí tvrdí „co tam jako“?
Protože je potřeba udělat si vlastní (hlavně gastro) názor. Když jsem se rozhodla, že letošní velikonoční svátky strávím v Bratislavě a vůbec jsem se s tím netajila, našlo se hodně těch, kteří to okomentovali slovy: „Na 4 dny do Bratislavy? Co tam? Dyť tam nic není.“ Ale je! Tak pro všechny, kteří si myslí, že nuda není jenom v Brně, ale i v Bratislavě: 4-denní „Bratislavský gastro zážitek“. První podnik, kam jsme se hned po příjezdu zašily, bylo SOHO Bistro. A co tam jsem objevila za poklad? Kombinace udon nudle & badyánová omáčka. Koření badyán a udon nudle? Se posr*** ne? Jakže to vlastně chodí v Asii? V Bratislavě tak,…
Why was London calling me?
In London, was I surrounded by idiots? No way! We just bought this book when coming back home. Once upon a time, London was calling me. I’ve never been to London. However, I was thinking I should visit this city. Definitely. But why? Don’t know yet. I was wondering what could I expect in London? Politeness? Nowhere in the world, I’ve seen the word “please” added to the word “push” on the door. The politeness in London could be on a whole new level if the words “please push” were added on the toilettes as well. Yes, such nice people those Brits are, aren’t they? Red telephone booths? How cute but did…
What this is all about? I want to meet my true love for cheap casual sex.
True love? So, we all want to find “the one”, eh? We’ve seen enough movies about it, so it must be possible, right? A perfect match? How does it look like? Love? Dating? Relationship? It’s no surprise that many of us drive ourselves crazy looking for love because it seems to be the only thing anyone ever thinks about. But are soulmates real or do we live in fantasy world? And how to recognize them when they may appear in disguise? And what about to fall in love with the illusion? To whom am I attracted? To someone with a good sense of humor or with a nice smile? To…
Konečně je mi třicet! Už vím něco o životě nebo vím pořád úplný ho*** ?
Nedávno mi bylo třicet. Tyhle kulatiny jsem oslavila na chatě v Krkonoších obklopena mými nejlepšími kamarádkami. Jeden večer se otevírala jedna flaška za druhou a dávaly jsme dohromady, jakže se postupně každá z holek ocitla v mém životě a už tam zůstala. Tak jsem si říkala, že bych se mohla taky zamyslet nad tím, k čemu vedly veškeré mé zkušenosti v uplynulých třiceti letech. Nutno podotknout, že bez těch holek bych to nedala. Spousta těch, kteří mají to štěstí, že se úspěšně prokousali podstatně větším počtem let – čtyřicet, padesát, šedesát a tak dále –, určitě namítne: „Co ta ví o životě ve třiceti?“. Ty jo, něco málo už asi vím. …že spěchat někam nebo na něco se…
Why should we respect the timing?
Because if every dream came true in the blink of an eye, all dreams would lose their value. How often do we wish something would happen right now? As young children, we look forward to become adults and to be able to do all the things that our parents don’t allow us to do – be awake late at night and watch TV, watch movies, even those that are not appropriate, buy whatever we want to and don’t have to ask for permission, no bedtime and can come back from a party late at night or early in the morning, pack up and go on the road whenever we would like to. When we do…
Proč je v mých očích Budapešť nezapomenutelným místem?
Protože mě jednoduše dokázala překvapit. Jako většina z mých cest, i tahle začala na letišti. Na letišti. Křižovatce cest, kde každý někam míří. Těžko uhádnout proč, co je cílem cesty, ale to kam Vám napoví nápis na obrazovce, pod kterou dotyčný čeká, až bude moct nastoupit do letadla. Tou mou destinací byla tentokrát Budapešť. Budapešť jsem již kdysi dávno navštívila. Tehdy se mi toto město vrylo do paměti jako město plné food courtů a nekonečných večírků. Hned po příletu se začaly vzpomínky z paměti vynořovat jasněji a jasněji. Byly jsme totiž ubytované v ulici, kde se nachází dvůr s food trucky a hned vedle legendární Szimpla Kert. Pro mě tak…
Why do we seek perfection?
Maybe, we seek perfection to surmount ourselves. Perfection. Do we desire to be successful and beautiful? How does the ideal success look like? Perfect beauty? We could consider the success as the achievement of the planned goal. We can make some plans that we will finish the university, that we will become CEO of the company which, for many years, we have been part of, that we will build our own company from the very beginning, that we will be involved in a big project, that we will be simply appreciated for our work. The success can be represented by anything to us. It is entirely up to us what form we give to…
Why shouldn’t we miss the battle of emotions vs. reason?
Because only when we try to tame the tiger inside us we can make progress. We make a thousand of choices every day. These all choices affect our lives in some way. And at every moment, we make choices as best we can. But on what basis do we make decisions? And how does such a decision-making process look like? The differentiation process itself can be described as follows: through the senses, we realize that „there is something“. When thinking about it we find out „what is it“, our feelings will add to it the values of „how it is“. But what do we do with that? How to work with this information? American neuroscientist…